The discussion of the iPhone5 is very similar to predictions about the end of the world: pretty much every month of every year from 2010 on has been predicted as the release of the iPhone 5, starting back as early as the release of the iPhone 4 in the Summer. The bottom line is this: much like the end of the world, the announcement about the iPhone 5 is bound to come at a time and choosing that few if no one expects.
In the meantime, the iPhone 4 remains king (or at least queen if you are a bigger fan of the Droid).
Since it has become apparent that the iPhone 5 will not be a part of this year’s Christmas shopping spree, I thought that perusing the web and seeing what wacky stuff is being shlepped by the iPhone accessories industry might be a fun read for those of you who check in here from time to time to see what’s in the works for the iPhone 5 and beyond.
As usual, I remain both perplexed and nonplussed when it comes to some of the junk byproducts spun from the genius of Apple. Here are some of my findings — please feel free to join in my flippancy at will. I’ll make you famous!
The iFan
The sheer lunacy of a product like the iFan does little to bolster the sobriety and credibility of those who support the tenets of environmentalism. Let us hope that wind power has more to offer the world than this bald, half-baked invention. It is a perfect example of a bad idea paved by good intentions. Sure, you want to save the planet. Sure, you want to incorporate the genius of those awe-inspiring fields of undulating wind turbines, as pure, sweet, clean energy flows into the homes of happy homedwellers. But attaching a PC fan atop the iPhone is a bastardization of both the iPhone technology and real-life wind turbines. It’s like putting a propeller on the space shuttle, with all apologies to Mr. Propeller, since I think his invention goes far beyond that of the PC fan. Please, do yourself a favor: use the bathroom first so as not to wet yourself, and then visit the site of this review and leave me a “Bwhahahaha!” laughter comment.
The TypeTop Bluetooth Mini Keyboard Case
I remain skeptical — ambivalent, even — when it comes to accessories that seek to convert mobile devices such as the iPhone 4 or iPad into notebook computers. As a person who makes his livelihood on a MacBook Pro, I see my iPhone not as a serious work machine. Rather, for me, it’s something of a glorified toy. I don’t delude myself about gadgets as being something more than what they are — fun. (I do, however, delude myself about countless other things, just so you know.)
Granted, I do monitor business e-mail from it when abroad from my computer, and occasionally write back to clients on it. I have even checked on some business tasks on it at times. But writing on it? Blogging on it? I don’t think so — not even if I had a little keyboard attached to it like the TypeTop. I’m more likely to just jot down some notes on the back of an egg carton and write the thing when I get home. But that’s just me.
All of this being said, the TypeTop is kind of cool, seeing as it is also a case as well. You could make the argument — to me, at least — that it’s a worthy investment as a case alone, and I’d have that trusty little keyword just in case I would need it in a pinch. For this argument alone, I’d say it’s worth checking out.
The Showstopper Wrist Bag
This isn’t the first time I’ve endorsed the Showstopper, and probably won’t be the last. The fact is, a trend is bubbling up in the accessories market to create cases for iPhones and other sundry mobile gadgets that are not nerdified. The reason for this is simple: gadgets are no longer the domain of the geek (thanks to Apple — entirely). Cool people — or at least people who think they are cool — have iPhones, too. And so, they bore of the old guard cases and accessories (akin to the two above-mentioned accessories).
The cool thing about the Showstopper is that it is entirely NOT made for the iPhone 4, and yet it perfectly holds the iPhone. The gal behind the design — an Australian (wow, first Julian Assange’s WikiLeaks and now the Showstopper — Australia’s taking the world by storm) — had the idea for this wrist bag as an alternative for ladies’ cumbersome designer handbags and guys’ bulky wallets. For all of those times where women don’t want to be bothered with a purse (alla a wedding, dancing, hiking, jogging, or even Going Dancing), the Showstopper is a great alternative. Same for guys and their bulging wallets.
The cool thing is that you can stick your iPhone 4 right into this puppy and have it at the ready. You can even fish your earbuds out of it and listen to music. Look: it doesn’t cut-outs for all the rocker switches and buttons, but hey — that’s nerd stuff! It’s way more cool to have “the iPhone 4 case that isn’t an iPhone 4 case.” So hip.
Disagree with me on any of these mini reviews? That’s ok. Feel free to drop me a line. As long as your comment attempts to be witty and acerbic, you and me will be friends.
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