Thursday, 17 March 2011

iPad 2 Problems: Some Users Reporting Yellow Screen Tinting And Light Bleeding Issue

Some early iPad 2 users are reporting couple of issues with their shiny new gadget.
Some users have observed a yellow tint on the iPad 2 screen and some users are reporting that they’re experiencing excessive level of light bleeding from the edges of the LCD panel.
The yellow tint is similar to the issue reported when iPhone 4 was launched. At that time, the issue was attributed to the bonding agent used to bond the layers of glass not getting enough time to set. The issue seemed to resolve itself after a few days. It needs to be seen if the iPad 2 issue will also go away after a few days.

Yellow Screen tinting issue that was observed on iPhone 4
MacRumors speculates:
With any brand new launch, Apple seems to be shipping the units as quickly as they are manufacturing them, preventing the required time for the bonding agent to set.
Engadget reports about the second issue:
The second issue, which is being conflated with the first, is characterized by light bleeding through from the outer edges of the LCD panel. The bleeding is most noticeable when watching a dark scene in a movie or using an app with a black background as demonstrated in the picture above and video embedded after the break. For those affected, the issue can be minimized or exacerbated by adjusting the brightness in settings.
Folks at I Am Phones have also published a video to show the light bleeding issue:
Have you observed the yellow tint or the light bleeding issue on your iPad 2? Let us know in the comments.
[via MacRumors, Engadget]

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